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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  September 24, 2010 1:13am-2:00am EDT

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you hear a lot about republican chances of winning the house in november. today party leaders put out the blueprint, calling it a pledge to america.
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>> our government is out of control in washington and we need to rein it in and begin a new drive for a smaller, left costly and more accountable government in our nation's capital. >> at the white house they're calling it nothing new. >> you know, i think -- i think john boehner said and i think most of the american people will see that this is very much in line with what the republican party has proposed for the past many years. >> well, this is it, about 21 pages calls to make president obama's health care reform, the t.a.r.p. bailout, limiting support of fannie mae and freddie mac, spend more on missile defense. the proposal for cutting government spending and closing the budget deficit that have drawn the most fire from democrats and some conservatives saying the specifics aren't there and the numbers don't add up. let's talk about it now with paul begala, erick erickson and j.d. hayworth. erick, i read what you wrote
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about this. i think you said it was the worst thing to come out of washington since george mcclellan. you called it dreck. >> pretty much. >> what's the problem with it? >> it's ridiculous. for starters, the very first page, it decries the self-appointed elite, the ruling class imposing mandates on american citizens and businesses. flip over a few pages and it imposes mandates on businesses related to health care. remember back in 2008 all the conservatives upset about republican spending and democratic spending. guess what? the compromise on this plan is we're going to go back to that spending, that two years ago the conservatives were complaining about. it's very disappointing. i kind of prefer to be the party of no than the party of pretty much anything goes as long as we don't give you specifics. >> mr. hayworth, what about that? >> i don't believe that erick's criticisms are without merit. obviously more can be done, let's not forget that the start of this country, the
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constitutional convention, patrick henry, a great patriot, was very suspicious of the constitutional convention saying, i smell a rat. so when you take a look at what is transpiring here, i think more appropriately it's what mark twain said, history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes. 16 years ago house republicans signed a contract with america, but i think one thing that should be embraced by all conservative candidates, the folks that join the tea party u.s., people want to be hired, and how many times do job applicants tell those who will employ them exactly what they will be doing? no, the people need to be in charge. so my quick, easy and free advice to every conservative candidate is to sign the contract from america. >> paul, a lot of the language in this pledge, though, does sound like language from tea party protests. >> well, some of it. i -- some of the specifics were odd to me.
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first in a hardware store, the grassroots got screwed. they set up this thing called, what is it called, america speaking out, where they asked people to weigh in on a whole variety of issues. guess what? the number two issue on job creation coming into this from the american people, the grassroots mostly conservatives was stop subsidizing corporations that ship jobs overseas. stop tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. that didn't make it into this. why? because the republicans support that. in fact, when it came up for a vote, it was 174-1 within the republicans in the house in favor of protecting tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas. this looks much more like an elite washington lobbyist deal. in fact, the principal author of it is a lobbyist whose firm represented exxon, pfizer, aig, one of the great grassroots organizations of america. >> does paul from a point? >> this is exactly why the republicans didn't need to do
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this. put this in perspective. i agree with congressman hayworth the contract from america has much more substance to it than this dreck. look at the contract with america, it came out after 40 years of democratic rule in one page, 867 words. the republicans explained how they were going to be different from 40 years of democrats. we've now had a four-year gap between republican control of congress and democrats and now they've got to produce a document longer than the american constitution. >> mr. hayworth, i want to play a clip of an interview dana bash did earlier today with house republican leader john boehner. >> reporter: you talk about the rebellion out there. part of what those rebellious voters want to know is they want you to be specific because as you probably know, as you know, that maybe aren't enamored of the democrats but they don't trust you --
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>> that's why we've outlined clearly in our pledge what we would and would not do. i think when it comes to spending we've been very specific about common sense steps we can do. >> reporter: give me one example. >> how about the unspent stimulus money? let's stop it. let's stop it and bring it back. >> erick, congressman hayworth, have they been really specific? >> what they've attempted to do here, and understand any time a proposal is offered in the hot house of american politics 40 days before a midterm election, it will be open to predictable criticism. but i think here, in washington terms, paul and his friends talk about the party of no, n-o, i think house republicans are trying to say we're the party of no, k-n-o-w. we know the american people want change. we're listening to what they're saying. no document will be perfect. i think it's an important start, but again, if there is unanimity among conservatives on this panel and how about it? we've got paul outnumbered 2-1 tonight, candidates would do well to sign the contract to that would be icing on this particular pledge to america.
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>> i've done 24 local radio interviews across the country today, 24 in 20 states. one of the 24 radio hosts, all local conservative talk show hosts, liked this thing we says the republicans have a problem. but for perspective, the '94 contract wasn't what got the republicans to win, it was the democrats in '94 that did that. hopefully this will be the last night i ever have to consider this document again. but for are perspective, by 2000, the 98 programs the contact with america said would be eliminated had grown by 13%. >> paul are there specifics in this thing? >> not enough. i think dana did a good job of trying to pin boehner down. some specifics, this is one of the drums i've been banging, let's nom demonize the tea party, let's not patronize them. let's look at their issues. they're much more specific than boehner. privatizing social security, privatiing medicare and veterans benefits and ending unemployment
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compensation. they think it's good ideas but they're specific ideas. >> now you see, when you're taking a look at politics from paul begala, colored glasses, you get fear instead of hope. this is what paul is running with and is this is why you're going to see a change in november. the american people see clearly the extreme overreach is the obama administration spending exponentially higher. >> are you saying there aren't tea party candidates that want that? you're saying paul is flat out wrong? >> what we're seeing from house republicans is an effort to achieve a consensus. it is always a work in progress. and just one final comment. as i heard the interview with john boehner, i thought back when jack kennedy announced the goal of bringing men to the moon, i don't believe reporters sat down and demanded that night that jack kennedy tell us specifically how that was going to be done. there are always broad concepts, and the challenge is to make it
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work. >> i've got to go -- >> that will be the challenge -- >> paul, respond and then we've got to go. >> joe miller in alaska has called social security and medicare and unemployment compensation unconstitutional. sharron angle has said social security violates the bible, much less the constitution. rand paul in kentucky, christine o'donnell in delaware, go all across the country and republicans are campaigning to end social security, medicare and veterans benefits. we should have a debate. >> got to leave it there. appreciate all of you on. thanks very much. still ahead, you've seen the surveillance video of a woman withdrawing money from a bank trying to save her family, short time later she, her two daughters were killed. tonight, new video from one of the suspects at a gas station where he allegedly bought the gasoline to set the house on fire and kill the two little girls. also new details of what happened that day.
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and sanjay gupta's special report, the final part, will 6-year-old kylie get a diagnosis that will save her life? no one knows what's wrong with her. she's getting sicker and her parents are desperate for answers. >> scared they might not find something in time, and the reality is they might not find anything, but if they're still looking and they haven't given looking and they haven't given up, that's someone on your side. through the years, when some lost their way, we led the way with new ideas for the financial challenges we knew would lie ahead. this rock has never stood still. and there's one thing that will never change. we are, the rock you can rely on. prudential. we are, the rock you can rely on. ♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪
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you know, when we all get sick, it's fair to say we expect a doctor to be able to figure out what's wrong with us. but what if you had a life-threatening illness and no doctor could figure out what was wrong? that's where a team comes in. we've been following the stories of two very sick patients, one is a little girl, the other is a mom. they share something, whatever is making them so sick is a medical mystery. they've stumped every doctor they've seen. their cases are so challenging, they've been accepted into a specialized program into the national institutes of health in maryland, the undiagnosed diseases program and the team of disease detectives who work there are kylie and sally's last hope. sanjay gupta joins me now. sanjay? >> reporter: you know, we've spent almost a year on this story and as a reporter and doctor, it's been fascinating, but as a father i've got to tell you it's been difficult at times to watch.
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kylie is 6 years old, very sick, and she's been getting worse. i have three daughters, as you know, it's tough to imagine them going through what kylie has. sally, the other patient we've been following, she's literally had her life turned upside down by what's happened. a very intense story to cover. the last couple of nights we've shown you how they got to this remarkable place and the gruelling series of tests kylie and sally have gone through at the undiagnosed diseases program. important clues were found. the question is, did they solve the puzzle? that's what you'll see tonight. no one, no doctors, no specialists, no researchers could explain what was happening to sally massagee. at 53, her muscles had grown grotesically large and hard, like rocks underneath her skin. >> it became increasingly difficult just to walk. at some point i knew if it continued it would kill me. >> reporter: steroids were ruled out. so no explanation.
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no diagnose. that's why she was accepted into the undiagnosed diseased program, the udp here at the nih. >> trying to put this together ser a difficult thing. >> reporter: dr. william gall runs the program. for a lot of patients as we're investigating this, really got the sense that this ends up being the place for last hope or last resort for them. that's a lot of pressure. >> it is. we try to be realistic about it and try to get our patients to be realistic too. you've been to the best places in the country, now you're coming here. we only have a 10% to 15% success rate, so i don't want you to get your hopes up really too, too high. but on the other hand, we don't want to take all hope away. >> reporter: for one week, dr. gall's team of world class medical experts probe and collect exhaustive scans, blood work and a tissue sample from sally's bicep. >> we do sort of detective work but remember, a lot of detective work takes place after the patients have gone.
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>> reporter: after five days, the patients go home. and despite the odds against success, they are less desperate. >> i took that disclaimer and i heard it and i still had a strong dose of hope. >> reporter: what would be months of an exhaustive search to solve sally's mystery was just beginning. >> bottom line, it's not acromegaly, it's just confined to the muscle, what in the world could this be? >> reporter: it's also what everyone is asking about 6-year-old kylie mcpeak. >> how are you doing today? >> reporter: shortly before her fourth birthday, the mystery began. something was attacking her body. >> i have to eat, i have to do shots. >> reporter: how serious is kylie? >> well, she's i would say real serious. i think she has a disorder that will threaten her life is essentially the issue here. we're sort of racing against
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time. >> reporter: kylie has already been at the udp for a week. dr. gall and his team have been sifting through all the data they've amassed on her. do you have a diagnosis for kylie? >> no. but we have a few good leads. >> reporter: for a time they suspected a rare brain disorder called epilepsy parshialis. it affects the brain's motor strength. but electrical charges in kylie's brain were not coming from just one area but in fact from all over. so they were back to square one. >> you try to differentiate whether this is something that was genetic or something environmental. in other words, that happened to her. really that's the dichotomy here. >> reporter: in time, an analysis of kylie's dna revealed the genetic clue. they found a mutation in a particular gene that makes a protein called laforin. is it possible what we're talking about here in regard to
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kylie is something that was never described before? >> it's very possible. >> reporter: brand-new. >> brand-new mutation, and maybe identifying a gene that is -- is not known previously to cause a human disease. >> reporter: back home in reno, nevada, gina and steven are trying to focus on enjoying the time they have as a family. although kylie is deteriorating, she's happy. >> maybe some day we'll get that phone call, hey, we think we might know what it is. >> reporter: in bethesda, maryland, the doctors at the undiagnosed diseases program are digging deeper into that genetic clue. they're doing a dna analysis of kylie's parents and sisters. they know it is now a race. >> every new case that comes to us brings with it a human story. i think the important thing is for us as professionals to look at the successes that we have
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and to try to not dwell on the failures we have, because we fail so often. >> reporter: but not always. luckily for sally massagee, the experts at the udp solved her mystery. >> i expected miracles from them and they gave them to me. >> reporter: the tissue sample hit the jackpot. in the red staining of the biopsy, scientists found the presence of amyloid. abnormal proteins that come from cells in the bone marrow. >> that was a huge hit for us. >> reporter: mystery solved. diagnosis? amyloidosis. a rare disease in which proteins deposit themselves in organs or tissues. sally's was a mystery because the proteins here manifested in her skeletal muscles. you get mysteries you don't solve and you get mysteries you solve. this is one you get to put a check in the solved column? >> yeah, yeah, it is. >> reporter: that's got to be a
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pretty good feeling. >> it was the best. basically it's sort of justifies our existence. >> reporter: but for sally, a diagnosis meant only that now she had a chance for survival. there is no cure for this disease. in june of last year at the mayo clinic, she underwent chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant in the fight of her life. >> there were times in the process when i thought it was real possible i would die. >> reporter: today, sally massagee is far from 100%. >> every day she's a little bit stronger, and every day she walks a little bit further. you just sort of have to smile because these are things that were inconceivable a year ago. ♪ i see trees of green >> reporter: doctors don't know if sally's body will ever return to what it was like before the disease struck. but for sally, that's not what's important.
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>> i was cooking last week one night in the kitchen and everybody was around you and louie armstrong came on singing, what a wonderful world, and i just started to cry, because those routine, ordinary moments of life are so wonderful, and are so precious. and i have them, and i'm so grateful. they found it just in time. ♪ and i think to myself >> it's amazing, sanjay, how they solved sally's case by getting lucky with taking a second muscle biopsy. >> it's interesting because when you hear a biopsy has come back clean or negative, it gives people a lot of comfort. and often time it's should. but this is one of the imperfections of science. if a biopsy comes back positive, then it tells you that have you a disease. if it comes back negative as it did in sally's case it doesn't necessarily mean you don't.
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they could have missed the exact area where the disease was in her muscle. she's going to do well, she just had a follow up at the mayo clinic. >> she'll be okay? >> she had to go through chemotherapy as you saw, so this was an intense treatment after all those tests, but really things couldn't be better. if you look at her, she's not the same as she was before all this. she still has some obviously degree of muscle growth there, her walking is a bit limited but she is going to survive this and she's getting a good bill of health from the mayo clinic. in this case, puzzle solved, and treatment was given. >> and kylie's case, it's just heart breaking. how long will the doctors search for a diagnosis? how long do they continue to look? >> well, it's a good question, and we're dealing with things here that have never been done before. so it's hard to say, you know, based on other patients this is how long they should go. what you're looking at right now is something that has never been seen before. so i think it's safe to say that they have a long ways to go still in terms of how they're
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going to continue to explore what might be causing these problems with kylie. some of that's going to be looking at dna evidence and everyone in the family, seeing if they find some anomalies. they found this mutation and part of the reason i was so excited about that, they just described something, a mutation that could describe an entirely new disease. i mean, a few years from now we could be talking about kylie's disease as a result of what's happening. it could be called kylie disease as a result of what we're talking about right now. that's how medicine transpires. that's how science advances and hopefully that's how kylie gets treated. >> such a strong little girl, certainly wish her and her family the best. sanjay, thanks. >> thanks, anderson. let's hope. up next, the top ten cnn heroes of the year, find out how you can vote now. see how one of last year's heros is making a real difference in haiti. plus you've seen the heart breaking images, a mom's desperate bid to save her family trying to withdraw $15,000 from her bank. she was later killed along with
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her two daughters. tonight, new video never made public until today showing one of the suspects when "360" continues. not aleve. nothing lasts longer than advil. pain relief that lasts. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice. loves to tell everyone how drivers can get discounts up to 40 percent. your neighbors -- your neighbors can tell you, too. they're probably some of state farm's 40 million drivers. so talk to them. then call a state farm agent like me. call her. everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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♪ who's born to care this life was protected... ♪ seems you've always been right there ♪ this life was saved... ♪ soothing sadness ♪ healing pain and this life was made easier... ♪ making smiles appear again because of this life. nursing. at johnson & johnson, we salute all those who choose the life... that makes a difference. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference the top ten cnn heroes of
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2010 have just been announced today. it's the fourth year we've searched for those daring to change the world for the better and we count on you to pick the top hero. first, a look at the impact a cnn hero can have. one of last year's heroes is a former bartender from north carolina who started raising money to give people on two other continents something we take for granted, clean water. now he's taking his wine to water program to haiti. take a look. >> this is a wine to water filter fure factory here in haiti. >> it's very simple. put the filter on the top of the bucket, take water from the street, from a local puddle of rain, wherever you want that may be contaminated. put the water in the top, gravity will naturally feed the water through this filter. you flip on the tap on the bottom and clean water comes out. so cnn heroes program totally
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just blew the roof off what we were able to do beforehand. it's that kind of exposure, that kind of story telling that cnn was able to do for us that just took us to another level. and haiti wasn't a place we were in before. we've also been able not to respond to just haiti, we're able to add on all these different territories because of the program. the whole concept is to empower the local people to have them be the ones running their own factory like this, have them be the ones to get the credit for it. the water that her and her family are drinking, all of it needs to go through here. >> it's hard enough for healthy children here in haiti to survive drinking unclean water, much less kids trying to recover from an earthquake. the water crisis is so huge. and it's so big, and there's so many people in this world without water. there's so many people in haiti that we have left to reach that
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sometimes it can be overwhelming a little bit. and it's easy to get discouraged thinking, gosh, we're not doing enough. but then when you go and you give one filter, to one mother, who has one child that's been sick for two weeks that possibly won't make it unless they start drinking water that's not making them sick, then it helps you have hope. we just asked her, have her children been getting sick any more since she's been using it and she said no. me being a father of two it just makes it that much more powerful. and this is, again, this is a simple, simple fix. so it's -- it's a good day. >> a look at doc hendly. one of the cnn heroes of 2010 were announced. i want to walk you over to the wall here, introduce you to them and show you how you can vote right now. this is the main page of
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down here you'll see the names of ten, the top ten cnn heroes selected by our blue ribbon panel. these ten will each receive $25,000 and a shot at cnn hero of the year. but we need you to vote for the one you think should be the hero of the year. you get the information on each one by clicking on their fan page. i'm just going to pick magnus mcfarland-burrow here. i'm picking him randomly. he's championing children. in the bottom left there's the meet magnus section, his organization feeds more than 4,000 kids every day around the world. next to that, there's the story about the hero, and check out get involved to see how you can join him in the fight against childhood hunger. again we're using him as an example. any of the ten would be worthy of being hero of the year and that's up to you. after you pick each fan page, pick the one that inspires you the most and click on vote now. click on that, a new page comes
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up, and shows you all of the cnn heroes. then you want to click on your top pick, i'm going to just choose, say, linda here as an example. say you want to vote for her, it will show up down here under your selection. then it shows you a security code, then you type in the security code and then you click on the red box which is down here to cast your vote. now, after you voted you can share your vote on facebook, you can also find information on cnnheroes an all-star tribute airing thanksgiving night where the 2010 hero of the year will be announced. you wanted through thursday november 18th at 6:00 a.m. eastern. up next, right now one of the men accuse in the brutal home invasion and murder in connecticut, he's caught on tape buying the gasoline used to burn down a family's home with a mom and her two daughters trapped inside. and katy perry and the video apparently too sexy for "sesame street."
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following a number of other stories tonight, joe johns joins us for the 360 news and business bulletin. in connecticut, another graphic testimony and gruesome images in the trial of a man accused of a deadly home invasion. one of the few images we can show you, this surveillance video of one of the suspects at a gas station where he allegedly bought $10 worth of gasoline used to burn down the victims' house. jennifer hawke-petit and her two daughters were tortured and killed before the fire was set. jurors today heard an expert witness describe photos found in one of the suspect's cell phones
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taken while the youngest daughter and her mother were sexually assaulted. word tonight from virginia, teresa lewis has been executed. she died by lethal injection. the 41-year-old grandmother was convicted of plotting the 2002 killings of her husband and stepson. asked if she had any last words, lewis said, quote, i just want kathy to know i love her and i'm sorry, referring to kathy cliffton, the daughter of one victim, and the sister of another. her lawyers argue that lewis borderline i.q. allowed her to be manipulated by her co-defendant. today at the u.n., president obama told the general assembly now is the time for israelis and palestinians to work toward a future that includes a palestinian homeland and a secure israel. the president also says the door remains open for talks with iran. however, iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad suggested the u.s. was somehow involved in
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the 9/11 attacks, prompting delegates from the u.s. and several allies to walk out. a $42 billion bill aimed at helping small businesses cleared the house today with the support of just one republican. the senate passed its version a week ago with two republicans backing it. president obama is expected to sign the bill next week. some welcome news for newark, new jersey. mark zuckerberg, the founder and ceo of facebook, is planning to donate $100 million to help the troubled city's schools. according to forbes magazine, zuckerberg is the 35th richest person in the u.s. with a net worth of nearly $7 billion. >> interesting. there you go. joe, time for tonight's shot. the video that's too hot for "sesame street." take a look. ♪ you're fast and you're slow
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>> this is katy perry performing a g-rated version of "hot and cold." it's on youtube. you won't find it on "sesame street." we were supposed to be seeing if the problem -- apparently is perry's outfit. parents say she was too scantly clad, too revealing, so the sesame street team decided it would only go on the web, not public television. >> i don't know about that, you know, i can go either way on that. but you know, anderson, it is a little hard to imagine what you're wearing on sesame street could be an issue for everybody to start talking about. as a matter of fact, we have some videotape if we could just sort of put it up there. >> there we go. >> yeah, looks like you came in with the whole work uniform there, didn't you? you had the shirt, the tie, the jacket. >> i got to be in oscar's garbage can. i didn't realize there's more than one grouch now. that's walter mccranky and dan rather not. >> they never answered your question. that was the funny thing.
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>> it's cool, i got to meet oscar and that was pretty cool. so the whole thing. >> the only time i've ever seen you do a stand up from a trash can. >> you should see my original reel. there was a lot of that. joe, thanks so much. stick around, we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] progress. progress for new york city cab drivers, like ossman ali is being able to carry people, who aren't carrying cash. meaning more convenience for passengers, and more business for cab drivers. all thanks to the ease and freedom of visa digital currency. now that's progress. visa. currency of progress.
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